Slide shows (3)
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Kirghizistan : Aigles apprivoisés - Tamed eagles These hunting scenes offer eagles close-up pictures.
Kirghizistan : Lumières du matin - Morning lights Between glowing red skies with subtlety and mildness of colouring, morning lights can be tinged with shades like japanese engravings.
Kirghizistan : Paysages d'été - Summer landscapes In this vast plains and mountains, animals spread out peacefully.
Kirghizistan : Présence humaine - Human présence With cave art, petroglyph, rocks carved by nature and clouds, it is hard not to feel human présence.
Kirghizistan : Scènes de marchés - Marketplaces Welcome to Bichkek, Karakol and Naryn marketplaces.
Kirghizistan : Sport équestre - Equestrian sport With this kyrgyz version of football, it is not a round ball that is at stake, but a goat skin.
Kirghizistan : Variations de ciels - Sky variations At dusk and dawn or in the middle of the day, summer sky offer different shades.
Kirghizistan : Vie paysanne - Rural life Cows and horses are the core of rural like in kyrgyz countryside.
Langues de félins - Feline tongues It 's unpolite to stick one's tongue, unless you're a féline.
Le cheval en détails - Details horses How to resist the pleasure of photographing horses, seen as men's noblest conquest ?
L'éclipse de lune du 21 janvier 2019 - Eclipse of the moon on the 20th of January 2019 When earth is located between the sun and the moon in a perfect alignment, who dares to say the earth is flat ?
Le Grand Meaulnes - The Lost Estate Who never imagined the scenery where The Grand Meaulnes’s story takes place ? The author drew his inspiration from several locations. Here are the pictures. Thanks to Daniel Soupizet who guided me all along the reportage in 1982.
Le Grand Meaulnes sépia - "Le Grand Meaulnes" sepia To get closer to the atmosphere of the "Grand Meaulnes" era, there is nothing like images in black and white turned into sepia.
Le mont Saint Michel - Mont Saint-Michel Between Normandy and Brittany is located the "the beauty of the Occident", a gothic benedictine abbey, dedicated to Archangel Saint Michel, overlooking the village surrounded by ramparts.
Le Papa, la Maman et le Bébé - Daddy, Mummy and Baby How Lucky one had been to witness such tender and innocent moments.
Le Rafale - The Rafale A wonderful cutting-edge technology, thanks to the gathering at the Ferté Alais for bringing out such a beautiful show.
Les arbres en hiver - Wintertime trees Blue sky conduces us to gaze upon the uncluttered shapes of the branches of the trees with no longer leaves on it.
Les combles de Saint Fargeau - The attic of Saint Fargeau An exceptional discovery. An intact "forest" visible in the attic of the castle of Saint Fargeau.
Lumières argentées de feu d'artifice - Fireworks silver lights The battering of light ans colour of a fireworks easily gets along with the sober aspect of black and white photography.
Lumières au printemps - Springtime lights How wonderful to admire tree leaves playing under the mild and sunny spring !
Lumières bovines - Bovine lights Bovine world highlighted by light.
Lumières d'eaux - Water lights Water, light and colors display a magical and ephemeral spectacle.
Lumières de cathédrales - Cathedral lights From the cathedral to the smallest church, each building offers, a changing palette of colours according to period of time.
Lumières de Chartres - Lights of Chartres The stained glass of Chartres cathedral are well known and yet all we have to do is looking down to discover other wonders such as the paving and the labyrinth.
Lumières de jardins - Light in gardens Trees filter sunlights and restore them as spotlights give us lighting that can be obtained in the studio.
Lumières de tilleuls - Lime lights What an astonishing sight, to gaze at light in the summer foliage of a one-hundred year old lime.
Lumières de tilleuls en noir et blanc - Black and white lime trees lights How could we resist to black AND white Flawlessness AND sobriety.
Lumières éphémères - Fleeting lights Under the sun, a small watercourse can suddenly look like a watercolour.
Lumières évanescentes - Evanescent lights As you probably have noticed, I'm fascinated by light effects. Also by Photoshop.
Lumières fugitives - Fleeting lights The ideal recipe to get striking bright effects? spotlights and smoke bombs.
Lumières minimales - Miniml lights Light, glass and metal are concrete but you can make abstraction out of it, with the help of Photoshop.
Lumières photographiées - Photographed lights At the Photo fair in Bièvres, it was a perfect sunny day to play with light.
Lumières tropicales - Tropical lights Plants need sun to grow. To make them beautiful, sun and sun again.
Lumière sur métal - Light on metal C'est tout un univers de formes géométriques baignées de lumière qui s'offre à nous. A whole world of geometrical shapes bathed in light ils unveiled.
Lyon : Fête des lumières de Lyon - Lyon : The Lyon festival of lights The Festival of Lights, 2011 edition offered us a dazzling show thanks to its beautiful light effects.
Madagascar : Forêt de baobabs - Madagascar : Baobab forest A haven of biodiversity, these majestic trees are home to lizards, snakes, birds and small mammals.
Madagascar : Jour de marché - Madagascar : Market day Markets are very popular in Madagascar. Rich in color, they allow us to discover the traditions and specificities of each region.
Madagascar : La Route nationale 7 - Madagascar : Route nationale 7 From Tananarive to Toliara, Route Nationale 7 (RN7) takes us through beautiful countryside and many unforgettable sites.
Madagascar : Lémuriens et autres animaux - Madagascar : Lemurs and other animals Lemurs are native to Madagascar and the surrounding region, and are among the oldest living primates. Iguanas and other reptiles are also found here.
Madagascar : Le règne minéral - Madagascar : The mineral kingdom Beautiful graphics, some suggesting human forms.
Madagascar : Les hommes en blanc - Madagascar : Men in white The village of Soatanana is home to a religious community made up of devotees who dress in nothing but white.
Madagascar : Les pêcheurs d'Ifaty - Madagascar : Ifaty fishermen The fishermen use outrigger canoes with square sails. They catch sharks and other big fish, as well as turtles.
Madagascar : Lumières du matin - Madagascar : Morning light Madagascar is blessed with exceptional luminosity. The soft morning and late afternoon lights are the most beautiful.
Madagascar : Lumières du soir - Madagascar : Evening lights Evening lights transform the beautiful into the sublime.
Madagascar : Nuée de sauterelles - Madagascar : Swarm of locusts A gigantic black cloud rises from the horizon and moves across the plain.
Madagascar : Paysages sous la brume - Madagascar : Landscapes under the mist The fog that reigns before sunrise lends a poetic quality to the landscapes it covers.
Madagascar : Pêcheurs de Tuléar - Madagascar : Tulear fishermen Vezo fishermen live around the town of Tuléar. They are very present along the coastline.
Madagascar : Regards furtifs - Madagascar : glimpses A collection of photos of people in their daily lives.
Madagascar : Souvenirs de voyage - Madagascar : Travel memories Photography, my way of memorizing my impressions and sharing them.
Madagascar : Terre sacrée - Madagascar : Sacred land The sacred is an integral part of individual and family life.
Madagascar : Tuléar, Village de pêcheurs - Madagascar : Tuléar, fishing village Tuléar is surrounded by a series of small Vezo coastal fishing villages.
Madagascar : Une île à découvrir - Madagascar : An island to discover A discovery of this country and its culture long after that of the Portuguese Diego Diaz in 1506.
Madagascar : Village de pêcheurs - Madagascar : A fishing village A fishing village that has preserved its traditions.
Madagascar : Village des chaudronniers - Madagascar : Boilermaker's village A traditional boilermaker's workshop in full operation.
Madagascar : Vivre à la campagne - Madagascar : Country living Madagascar remains an authentic country, a photographer's paradise.
Magma - Magma Asphalt, like an inspired graphic designer, surprise us with unexpected material effects.
Maison de Nicéphore Niépce - Nicephore Niépce's House (France) In Saint Loup de Varennes, near Chalon-sur-Saône, Nicéphore Niépce's House is currently run by Pierre-Yves Mahé who organised a private visit to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Photoshop Club.
Ma première exposition - My first exhibition My first photographic exhibition took place in 1972 at the bookshop Privat in Toulouse. Cartier Bresson, Doisneau, Boubat were my masters.
Marais salants - Salt marshes Flying over salt marsches, only for the joy of immersing oneself in their geometrical beauty.
Matière noire - Black patterns Seeweed on a closer look can appear as contemporary art paintings.
Matières évanescentes - Evanescent stuff Go through the looking glass from stuff to dream.
Meeting aérien de la Ferté Alais - Flying meeting of the Ferté Alais, France A must for flying fans. Planes and their layout are first-rate.
Mémoire d'asphalte - Asphalt Memory Some treadmarks left by truck tyres during summer dogdays. Not to mention Photoshop to add a personal touch.
Modillons de Surgères - Modillions of Surgeres church Built on the 11th century, Notre-Dame in Surgeres (Charente-Maritime), is famous for its very big facade richly sculpted and its bell tower.
Moirage - Watering Light effects in a woof's cloth followed by a treatment in Photoshop can create striking effects.
Mur écaillé - Flaking wall When chance takes its inspiration from shapes known by everyone.
Naissance du printemps - Spring birth Spring opens plentifully buds and leaves with a d'un playing with shadows and lights.