Slide shows (1)
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Abstractions - Abstractions I’ve always had a great feeling for abstract art and its pure forms that allow imagination to escape. With a camera, looking for them, one can discover some of these forms around us.
Abstractions bovines - Bovine abstraction A complete change of scene in the agricultural world. Blimey !
Abstractions linéaires - Linéar abstractions Whatever the start and the changes brought to the initial subject, let us appreciate the result.
Anciens avions en noir et blanc - Ancient planes in black and white Legendary planes, as one could see them in newspapers at that time or in news seen in movie theaters.
Animaux de la ferme - Animal farms In this hectic life one must know when to take a break to behold all these animals.
Apparitions - Apparitions Traces on walls can unveil a world full of imaginary beings.
Architecture d'os - Bones architecture Alive, they scared us. Now, we're fascinated.
Arctique : Animaux du Spitzberg - Arctic : Spitzberg animals Spitzberg is a polar region with a rich wildlife. There are reindeers, walruses, seals, polar bears and many birds.
Arctique : Ciels du Spitzberg - Arctic : Spitzberg skys A land of so much fresh sky filled with clouds magically shaped.
Arctique : Cœurs d’icebergs - Icebergs hearts Evanescent shapes on a blue background of an extreme purity.
Arctique : Glaciers du Spitzberg - Arctic : Spitzberg glaciers All these glaciers are home to a wide range of imaginary shapes. Try and figure out where they are.
Arctique : Icebergs du Spitzberg - Arctic : Spitzberg icebergs Icebergs, true nature masterpieces, are ice pans made of fresh water after they come off a glacier or a floating ice bridge, they drift on water.
Arctique : Morses du Spitzberg - Arctic : Spitzberg walruses Walruses, like polar bears, can only be found in Arctic region or in the extreme northern part of Pacific and Atlantic océans.
Arctique : Neige d'été au Spitzberg - Arctic : Spitzberg Summer snow Melting snow opens onto a plentiful world filled with fantastic characters.
Arctique : Paysages du Spitzberg - Arctic : Spitzberg landscapes Spitzberg is a polar region within the territory of Svalbard located about 1500 kilometers in the North of Norway and 1500 kilometers in the East of Greenland.
Arctique : Pierres du Spitzberg - Arctic : Spitzberg stones So many stones are full of suprises.
Arctique : Rochers du Spitzberg - Arctic : Spitzberg rocks A geologist would lose his head.
Armada de Rouen 2008 - Armada of Rouen The layout of this rigging is outstanding, how on earth do they manage to make sense of these knots ?
Aubrac : Calligraphie de neige - Aubrac : snow calligraphy These lines and shapes present a stunning graphism between black and white.
Aubrac : La transhumance - Aubrac : transhumance On May 25, on Saint Urbain's Day, bovine herd climb onto the Aubrac plateau to spend all summer in pastureland before going back down in October.
Aubrac : L'Aubrac sous la neige - Aubrac under the snow Winter 2021, particularly snow-covered, unveiled all the strong characteristic of this volcanic plateau.
Aubrac : Les arbres en hiver - Aubrac : trees in winter Trunks and branches without their leaves appear with shapes very simple and unadorned.
Aubrac : Paysages de neige - Aubrac : snowy landscapes Wide-open snow-covered spaces in Aubrac live at the pace of wind and light.
Aubrac : Paysages du printemps - Aubrac : spring landscapes Between lakes, cascades and endless spaces of wild beauty, located in western Lozère area, Aubrac is a high volcanic and granitic plateau.
Aubrac : Pierres brutes - Aubrac : raw stones Inanimate objects, do you have a soul ? (Quotation from Lamartine)
Au cœur des fleurs - In the heart of flowers Thanks to its solar look, the heart of flowers carries us in a whirl of colors and scents.
Automne en lumière - Autumn enlightened The tree leaves turning yellow are thrilling at this season.
Automne en noir - Dark autumn A black environment shows to its best advantage the beauty of a tree in its natural setting.
Automne et ses arbres - Autumn and its trees The tree is the ultimate symbol of autumn and its fugitive aspects.
Avions personnalisés - Customized planes The pilot Will AlwaYs Feel thé need to let on thé plane his uncommon and imaginative mark.
Ballets de Béjart - Bejart ballets Maurice Bejart made significant contribution to the ballet repertoire with his uncommon choregraphy of human bodies.
Ballets du Bolshoï - The Bolchoi Ballet A world-leading school of ballet that delight us with their beautiful outfits and their graceful gestures.
Basilique de Saint Denis - Basilica of Saint Denis With silver films and 400 ISO we could hardly take pictures freehand with such a dim light. With a digital camera, I worked with 1600 ISO with a processing in DXO Optics then in Lightroom.
Béjart Roméo et Juliette - Bejart Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet, beautifully directed by Maurice Bejart, is an inspiring love story for every great choregraphers.
Blanc sur noir - White on black What connections between tracks left by first men, footprints left by the first man standing on the moon, and these left by contemporary men ?
Botswana : Le jardin d'Eden - Botswana : Garden of Eden A true paradise full of life with wild animals living in the savanna, whose beauty fills us with wonder.
Botswana : Le repas des félins - Botswana : Feline meals In these gardens of Eden, nature parks of Botswana, animals hunt and feed themselves. Please note that some pictures may offend the sensibilities of visitors.
Botswana : Les animaux - Botswana : animals Wild animals are at home in Botswana. Almost 40% of the country is covered by nature reserves and protected areas.
Botswana : Les chutes Victoria - Botswana : Victoria falls Natural wonders from the Unesco world heritage list, Victoria falls are located between Zimbabwe and Zambia. They flow into waterfalls, 1700 meters wide by 108 meters height.
Botswana : Les oiseaux - Botswana : Birds Nature parks of Botswana are very well protected. Fertile banks from ancient lakes are perfect locations for birds.
Brillances d'avions - Brightness and planes Beautiful camera angle can bring out the most exquisite brightness.
Bulles de ciel - Sky bubbles Moveable and short-lived bubble soap in the sky can only be the stuff dreams are made of.
Calligraphie ? - Calligraphy ? Under our feet, sometimes we can find transitory works created by artists who don't know they are artists.
Canaries : Ciels évanescents - Islas Canarias : Evanescent skies Volcanos, mist and clouds. What a dreamy vision !
Canaries : Soleil et nuages - Islas Canarias : Sun and clouds Hard to remain unmoved in front of such sunrises and sunsets.
Canaries : Terres de volcans - Islas Canarias : Volcanos land From the four elements, only fire is missing. Too late ! Volcanos are extinct for a long time.
Cerisiers en fleurs - Blooming cherry trees Hanami. In springtime, this japanese feast puts an emphasis on sakura, which are blooming cherry trees.
Chaises de cathédrales - Cathedral chairs Ionesco was not the only one to be interested in chairs.
Chaises en vis-à-vis - Chairs facing each other Why chairs couldn't be used to dream and to let us charmed by shadows' magic.
Chevaux de Camargue - Horses from Camargue Since ancient times, horses from Camargue are little riding horses living almost freely in swamps, recognizable with his grey coat.
Chevaux de Camargue (version en noir et blanc) - Horses from Camargue (black and white version) Horses from Camargue Since ancient times, horses from Camargue are little riding horses living almost freely in swamps, recognizable with his grey coat.
Ciel de feu d'artifice - Fireworks in the sky Taking pictures from fireworks details than working on them with Photoshop in order to keep thé essential, à way to renovate an often dealt with subject.
Ciels d’avions - Planes in the sky Sun and clouds. Does it make any difference for pictures of planes? It changes everything.
Cœurs de fleurs - Flower hearts When maths hide in the enchanted flower world.
Cœurs de roses - Heart of roses Petals and sepals come wonderfully together in heart of roses.
Cœurs d'orchidées - Orchids' hearts Having a closer look to orchids'hearts, one can admire the mystery of their fascinating beauty.
Costa Rica : Au fil de l’eau - Costa Rica : With the current Sailing through the tropical forest to reach the Pacific Ocean.
Costa Rica : La canopée - Costa Rica : The canopy A rich environment of shapes, lights and colours.
Costa Rica : Les animaux - Costa Rica : Animals A stunning diversity of tropical wildlife.
Costa Rica : Les colibris - Costa Rica : Hummingbirds Des oiseaux multicolores en plein vol dans un paysage harmonieux qui leur ressemble.
Costa Rica : Les iguanes et autres surprises - Costa Rica : Iguanas and other surprises Discovery in the jungle of a hidden and fascinating world.
Costa Rica : Les oiseaux - Costa Rica : Birds A singular colour palette, postures and fascinating eyes in a luxuriant scenery.
Costa Rica : Les perroquets - Costa Rica : Parrots Parrots seen in their natural environment.
Costa Rica : Noir et blanc - Costa Rica : Black and white A scenery with very sketch-like outlines only in black and white.
Côte de granit rose - Pink granite coast One can only be stunned by the beauty of sunsets and sunrises on the coloured rocks, red, pink and brown of this breton coast.
Couleurs de lumières - Light colours Fireworks are always great moments of emotion, thanks to their profusion of colours and sounds. Paris, the 14th of July 2008.
Couleurs du printemps - Spring colours After automn and winter colours glowing green shades illuminate spring.
Curiosités de la nature - Nature's curiosities A long french coastal walk provides a lot of surprises.
Curiosités romanes : Les obscenas - Norman curiosities : obscena Norman churches from Gironde and Saintonge strike us with their licentious sculptures named after the latin word "Obscena".
De la brume en Ardèche - Mist in Ardèche region Fog, clouds, sky and mountains softly lead us in the poetic atmosphere found in chinese etchings.
Des gens en images - Pictures of people Taking pictures of unknown people and keep them the way they are is one of the most difficult part.
Dessins de lumières - Light drawings What a thrill to Alter one's pictures to obtain a completely different result.
Dessins éphémères - Transitory drawings A black board, chalk sticks and a lot of spontaneousness.
Dessins imaginaires - Imaginary drawings Drawers and painters can interpret a subject as they like. So can we with digital image.
Dessins tagués - Graffitis sketches Hard to be more uncluttered and vivid. In these street drawings, these few lines are enough.
Détails d’avions - Aircraft details One must not hesitate to get closer to the planes to take pictures of details.
Détails d’orchidées - Orchids' détails Orchids, in all their splendour, delight us by the variety of their shapes and colours.
Détails de voitures - Car’s details Pure forms and a good lighting are the preconditions to realize such pictures.